At Annex Brands, we have a strong, long-term positive relationship with FedEx, one of the carrier choices at each of our PostalAnnex+, Handle With Care Packaging Store and Sunshine Pack & Ship franchised locations. One of the reasons why we enjoy working with FedEx is their advanced social responsbility, including the company's impact on the environment. Here's a blog posting from Mitch Jackson, vice president of FedEx Corporations Environmental Affairs and Sustainability department to recognize the company's efforts on Earth Day:
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” – Albert Einstein
When Earth Day was first recognized in 1970, FedEx had yet to ship its first package. It was not until three years later that our founder’s vision of a transportation system accommodating time-sensitive shipments became a reality. During the rest of the 1970s and well into the 1980s, the focus for businesses and the government was primarily around environmental compliance, and not necessarily environmental stewardship.
Now, forty years later from that first Earth Day, we focus on integrating environmental sustainability into business objectives, making it part-and-parcel of our business. As a part of this, we have launched EarthSmart – A FedEx Commitment.
EarthSmart is our commitment to minimize our impact on the environment. It’s designed to encourage innovation that makes our business — the way we work and the services we offer — more sustainable, both economically and environmentally. Our aim is to find or create new ways not only to improve our own company’s environmental performance, but also to point the way for other companies, in our own industry and beyond. You can find out more by clicking here.
It is important to have moments of reflection, whether on Earth Day, or every day that one focuses upon making their actions more sustainable. So, to ensure that we are all living Earth Day everyday, we are focusing on being EarthSmart to empower our team members to be better stewards in the workplace, for our customers, our shareowners and in our communities.
Albert Einstein also said, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Just as Earth Day has had sustaining power over the decades, so, too, the work to “stay with problems longer” and integrate environmental sustainability – to be EarthSmart – should continue to prosper by innovating, and ultimately, continuing to improve everyday practices.
Here’s to Earth Day.
So when you ship FedEx at any of our franchised locations, you're choosing a company that continues to place a sizable investment in sustaining and improving our environment as a result of the company's operations.
At PostalAnnex+, Handle With Care Packaging Store and Sunshine Pack & Ship, we offer customers the ability to compare shipping rates, including FedEx, along with offering packaging supplies in-store and online, private mailbox rental, notary public service, office supplies, copy services, shipping of FLAV items (Fragile, Large, Awkward or Valuable), and more. For franchising information, visit or